it's my freetime, so time for blogging.
i got to chance to attend last saturday ph-freebsd bof at UP,got to meet new people BOF (best on flesh)hehehe, best bsd gurus,hobbyists,enthusiasts,users. As well as people who i only knew on irc chatrums and people i met last opensource conf. The meet was successful, i kept to be silent because somewhat stun with their skills, and im always a shy type person at first.
i want to be online at irc but still w8ing for my friend to give me an access on one of his psybnc, don't want to be online there with my IP being visible.
I'm quite bored with work, sometimes i lost motivations, don't know why. I promised myself that starting March, i will be a new me. sana...
It seems that i was being left far behind, compared to what i used to do before, i am really different right now. don't know why(ulit)...
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