When im on my way back to home from office, I got caught in a long traffic,eventually I found out that it was due to a large fire near the highway, it then took me to have a reminiscing time what was happened last year 2nd of november, I happened to remember that not only because its the birthday of one of my nephew but because it was the day when my grandfather's house was put into ashes. The house is near our house since it is a compound, and witnessing a large fire is such a terrible experience, too scary I would say.
Anyway, I had to dropped by on a mall to buy christmas presents on my nephews and nieces, I bought some cool toys and bags for them. My pocket was empty ,but its ok its christmas time..hehehe
When I got home.I tried the CD I burned that day, its Slackware live cd, its cool, wish I could make a live linux distribution someday.
I got an old HD(I had to use a low level format just to make it work) and Im planning to make it as a slave drive, so Ill have to make it as another partition for my freebsd
.But too tired,...so enough of this ..maybe I continue those things tomorrow..